Vikas Chauhan

Mathematics Explains The Universe

Mathematics Explains The Universe Who was the first person to discover math? As a result, he has been hailed as the first true mathematician and the first known individual to whom a mathematical discovery has been attributed. Pythagoras established the Pythagorean School, whose doctrine it was that mathematics ruled the…

Under the Antarctica

The Antarctic ice sheet is one of the two polar ice caps of the Earth. It covers about 98% of the Antarctic continent and is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. It covers an area of almost 14 million square km and contains 26.5 million cubic km of…


Albert Einstein was very clear in his day. Physicists are very clear now. Time is not absolute, despite what common sense tells you and me. Time is relative, and flexible and, according to Einstein, “the dividing line between past, present, and future is an illusion”. So reality is ultimately TIMELESS.…

Space and Time into a single Continuum

Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings? It’s not science fiction, it’s string theory. Bestselling author and physicist Brian Greene offers a tour of this seemingly strange world in “The Elegant Universe,” a three-hour Peabody Award-winning miniseries. Part 1, “Einstein’s Dream,” introduces string theory and shows…

How Plants Communicate & Think

How Plants Communicate & Think – Nature Documentary HD You may not think of plants as particularly chatty or active organisms, but they’re not as passive as they might seem. Plants can’t run away, so they have to develop other strategies to stay alive, as James Cahill, an environmental plant…

Super Cool Walking Water Experiment

We are settling into a new rhythm around here. We are generally outside more, the littlest of my wild ones is just coming out of his nap time, and I have been busy with our summer farming plans. All of that is to tell you that this amazingly awesome science…

The Map of Mathematics

The entire field of mathematics summarised in a single map! This shows how pure mathematics and applied mathematics relate to each other and all of the sub-topics they are made from. If you would like to buy a poster of this map, they are available here:… I have also…